
Installing miniConda step-by-step Guide

Install Miniconda Linux – A Step By Step Guide 

To extract full use out of this bootstrap version of Anaconda, it’s important to learn how to install Miniconda Linux

Miniconda is a free, minimal installer for conda, a cross-platform package manager specifically designed for Python and its associated scientific computing libraries. 

Unlike Anaconda, the full-featured Python distribution, Miniconda focuses on providing the core functionality for environment and package management.

miniconda and anaconda dependencies comparison graph

Benefits of Miniconda Linux

Lightweight and Efficient Miniconda offers a significant advantage in terms of disk space. It only includes conda, Python, and a few essential dependencies, resulting in a much smaller download and installation footprint compared to Anaconda.
Granular Package ControlMiniconda allows users to install only the specific packages required for their project. This avoids unnecessary clutter and potential conflicts that can arise with pre-installed packages in Anaconda. 
Flexibility and CustomizationIt offers greater flexibility for creating isolated virtual environments. Each environment can have its own set of Python versions and packages, ensuring project-specific dependencies are met without affecting other projects on the system. This level of customization is crucial for managing complex workflows and maintaining compatibility across different projects.
Compatibility with Conda EcosystemAlthough it lacks pre-installed packages, Miniconda leverages the extensive conda package repository. Users can leverage the conda install command to access thousands of scientific, data analysis, and machine learning packages, providing a rich ecosystem for building diverse Python environments.
Integration with PipWhile conda excels at managing dependencies, Miniconda still integrates with pip, the standard Python package installer. Users can leverage pip for additional Python-specific packages that may not be available in the conda ecosystem.

Miniconda is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. However, the steps of installation are different. This guide will exclusively focus on how to install Miniconda on a Linux system. 

Download & Install Miniconda Linux 

Before we get to the installation of Miniconda on Linux, it’s pertinent to understand the difference between a 64-bit and a 32-bit system. 

The core difference between 32-bit and 64-bit systems lies in how they handle data and memory. 

A 64-bit system can process data in 64-bit chunks because it has 64-bit memory addresses. This allows it to handle more complex calculations, work with significantly larger datasets faster, and utilise more random-access memory (RAM). 

On the other hand, a 32-bit system can only process data in 32-bit chunks at a time. This restricts its ability to handle complex calculations or work with large datasets efficiently due to limited addressable memory space. 

Almost all modern computers use a 64-bit system, but if you are unsure about your system’s architecture, search for it according to the instructions provided online. 

On a Linux system, simply typing the word ‘arch’ in the terminal will display the architecture of the system. Whereas on a Windows system, click on the Start button, then select Settings > System > About. On the right side of the pop up, under device specifications, look for System type. 

For e.g. , if you run arch and the output is x86_64, it means you have a 64-bit processor.

Feature32-bit System64-bit System
Data Handling32-bit chunks64-bit chunks
Memory Addressing (max)4GB18 Quintillion bytes
Suitability for Memory-intensive ApplicationsLowerHigher

Choosing between 64-bit and 32-bit:

In almost all modern scenarios, a 64-bit system is preferable. It offers superior performance, especially when dealing with large datasets or memory-intensive applications.

However, there might be a few rare cases where a 32-bit system could still be relevant:

  • Running very old software: Some extremely old software might only be compatible with 32-bit systems.
  • Limited system resources: If you have a very old computer with minimal RAM (less than 4GB), a 32-bit system might make better use of those resources.

For most users, though, a 64-bit system is the clear choice for its improved performance and wider software compatibility.

To download Miniconda for Linux, click here

Install Miniconda Linux – The complete process

After successfully downloading Miniconda, open the terminal window to install it. With the help of the terminal window, a user can interact with their system by typing different commands. 

Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you want to download the installer. A directory is like a folder that holds files on your computer. The cd command lets you change between folders.

For example, if you want to download it to your Downloads directory, you might use:

cd ~/Downloads

Once downloaded (and optionally verified), use cd again to navigate to the directory containing the downloaded installer script (e.g.,

Then, to run the script and initiate the installation, type:


Replace with the actual filename of your downloaded installer. 

Follow the on-screen prompts during the installation and if you are unsure about any setting then accept the defaults. 

Installation prompts are messages that ask you questions during the setup process. Accepting the defaults means using the pre-selected options, which are usually fine for most users.

Install Miniconda Linux – Verifying installation

Here are two ways to verify if Miniconda is successfully installed on your Linux system:

Method 1: Using the conda command:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
conda list

If Miniconda is installed correctly, this command will display a list of currently installed packages in the base environment (which might be minimal by default with Miniconda).

Method 2: Checking the conda path:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
which conda

This command searches for the conda executable in your system PATH.

If Miniconda is installed and added to your PATH during installation (which might be the default behaviour), the command will output the directory path where the conda executable resides (e.g., /path/to/miniconda/bin/conda).

If neither of these methods work, it’s possible Miniconda wasn’t installed correctly or wasn’t added to your PATH.

You can try reinstalling Miniconda following the official instructions [anaconda miniconda download] and ensuring the PATH gets updated during installation.

How to install Miniconda on Linux? A summary

Installing Miniconda on Linux involves these key steps:

  1. Download the installer: Get the appropriate installer from the Anaconda website [anaconda miniconda download].
  2. Verify installer hash (optional): Download the checksum file (if offered) and use sha256sum or gpg to verify the installer hasn’t been corrupted.
  3. Run the installer script: Use bash to execute the downloaded installer script (e.g., bash Follow the on-screen prompts.
  4. Add conda to PATH (optional): Edit your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc) and add the Miniconda bin directory to your system PATH for easier access.

Optionally, you can verify the installation by running Conda list in a terminal window. This should display the installed packages if Miniconda is set up correctly.

Benefits of Conda 

Effortless environment managementCreate isolated environments for different projects, ensuring each one has the specific package versions it needs without conflicts.
Rich Package Ecosystem Access a vast repository of scientific packages for data analysis, machine learning, and more, all through the convenient Conda install command.
Seamless Dependency Resolution No more wrestling with dependency issues! Conda intelligently resolves dependencies between packages, ensuring everything works together smoothly.
Enhanced Reproducibility Easily recreate your project’s environment by sharing the Conda environment file, allowing others to run your code with identical dependencies.

Install Miniconda Linux – A Step By Step Guide  Read More »

Linux Mint

Linux Mint: User-friendly Open Source Operating System

Linux Mint is a free and open-source operating system (OS) designed for personal computers and laptops. It is based on the Ubuntu Linux distribution and is known for its user-friendly interface and extensive software availability.

This operating system provides a classic desktop experience with its out-of-the-box multimedia support, custom tools, and built-in applications. 

In recent times, Linux Mint has emerged as a viable alternative to Windows and macOS due to its beginner and user-friendly nature. 

Moreover, the desktop environment provided by Mint is quite familiar to Windows and macOS which makes transitioning from these operating systems easier and quicker. 

Who should use Linux Mint?

This open source operating system’s ease of use, extensive custom tools, and community-centric approach is suitable for beginners, professionals, as well as organizations. 

Linux Mint’s open source code and specific tools allow its users to customize it according to their needs and preferences. 

No hefty price tag ensures easy access for all whether you are a casual user, a hobbyist, or a professional developer. 

Benefits of Linux Mint

User-Friendly InterfaceLinux Mint prioritizes ease of use, providing a familiar desktop environment similar to Windows and macOS.
Pre-installed ApplicationsThis Linux distribution comes with a comprehensive suite of applications for everyday tasks, including web browsing, office productivity, multimedia playback, and image editing. 
Software AvailabilityLinux Mint leverages the vast software repositories of Ubuntu.
Open-Source SoftwareAs an open-source project, Linux Mint benefits from the contributions of a global developer community. 
Strong CommunityLinux Mint boasts a large and active user community that provides valuable resources. 

Key features of Linux Mint

Ease of UseLinux Mint is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it an approachable choice for users transitioning from other operating systems like Windows or macOS.
Customization AbilityLinux Mint empowers users with extensive customization capabilities. The system allows users to personalize their desktop environment to their preferences through themes, icons, and layout adjustments. 
Stability & Security Linux Mint prioritizes stability and reliability, making it a robust choice for everyday use. This is achieved through its foundation on the well-established Ubuntu and Debian Linux distributions, which are known for their stability and long-term support. 
Community Centric Mint’s vibrant community provides valuable resources and support to users, including online forums, comprehensive documentation, and troubleshooting assistance. Users can leverage these resources to seek help, share experiences, and contribute to the overall development of the Linux Mint ecosystem.
Out of the box OSLinux Mint works without the need of configuration or installation of extra applications. 
Compatible with Windows Linux Mint can be downloaded on a PC that already has Windows. A menu will ask you which one to use when you start the computer.
Key features of Linux Mint OS

Multiple editions of Linux Mint

Linux Mint has three different editions, each featuring a different desktop environment. 

CinnamonThe most modern, creative, and completely-featured desktop.
MATEMore traditional and quicker desktop.
XfceThe most lightweight desktop. 

Cinnamon Edition of Linux Mint

The Cinnamon edition is the most popular and the star version of Linux Mint. This edition is specifically designed for Linux Mint and is known for its intuitiveness and efficiency. 

Technical Specifications of the Latest Version (as of February 28, 2024):

  • Cinnamon Version: 5.8 (as included in Linux Mint 21.3 “Virginia”)
  • Based on: GNOME 3.38
  • Features:
    • Enhanced window management features
    • Improved applets and extensions functionality
    • Refined visual elements

Characteristic features of Cinnamon Edition

Modern InterfaceCinnamon offers a visually appealing and user-friendly desktop environment, similar to traditional desktop layouts from Windows and macOS. 
Customization OptionsCinnamon empowers users with extensive customization capabilities. Users can personalize their desktops through themes, applets, and extensions
EfficiencyCinnamon prioritizes efficiency, boasting a lightweight design and resource-conscious architecture. This translates to smooth operation even on systems with moderate hardware specifications.
Integration with Linux MintCinnamon is perfectly tailored to integrate seamlessly with the underlying Linux Mint framework. This integration ensures optimal system performance and an effective user experience.

The Cinnamon edition of Linux Mint delivers a user-friendly, customizable, and efficient desktop experience, making it a popular choice for individuals and organisations seeking a versatile and visually appealing operating system.

MATE edition of Linux Mint

The MATE edition of Linux Mint stands as a distinct variation designed for efficiency and stability. It utilizes the MATE desktop environment, a continuation of the GNOME 2 codebase, known for its lightweight design and mature codebase.

Technical Specifications of the Latest Version (as of February 28, 2024):

  • MATE Version: 1.28 (as included in Linux Mint 21.3 “Virginia”)
  • Based on: GTK+ 3
  • Features:
    • Improved performance and stability
    • Enhanced support for HiDPI displays
    • Additional customization options

The MATE desktop environment prioritizes a minimal resource footprint, making it suitable for older or less powerful hardware. This translates to smooth operation and efficient use of system resources.

Moreover, benefiting from a mature codebase and extensive testing, the MATE desktop environment prioritizes stability and reliability. This offers users a dependable platform for everyday tasks and professional applications.

The MATE desktop environment’s interface is similar to that of traditional Windows and macOS. This similarity offers an intuitive experience for users accustomed to those systems.

Like the Cinnamon edition, MATE also offers a reasonable degree of customization. With the help of applets, themes, and panel adjustments, users can modify the environment according to their preference. 

The MATE edition of Linux Mint caters to users seeking a stable, efficient, and familiar desktop experience. Its lightweight design makes it suitable for older hardware, while its mature codebase and efficient resource utilization prioritize stability and reliability.  

Xfce edition of Linux Mint

The Xfce edition of Linux Mint presents a compelling option for users seeking a balance between efficiency and customization. It leverages the Xfce desktop environment, renowned for its lightweight nature and extensive customization capabilities.

It doesn’t support as many features as Cinnamon or MATE, but it’s extremely stable and very light on resource usage.

Technical Specifications of the Latest Version (as of February 28, 2024):

  • Xfce Version: 4.18 (as included in Linux Mint 21.3 “Virginia”)
  • Based on: GTK+ 3
  • Features:
    • Improved performance and stability
    • Enhanced support for HiDPI displays
    • Additional customization options

Characteristic features of Xfce Edition

Minimal Resource ConsumptionXfce prioritizes a minimal footprint, making it suitable for older or less powerful hardware. This translates to smooth operation even on systems with limited resources.
Extensive CustomizationXfce offers a surprising degree of customization. Users can personalize their desktops through themes, panels, and applets, tailoring the environment to their specific needs and workflows.
Mature CodebaseIt benefits from a mature codebase and extensive testing, contributing to its stability and reliability. This provides users with a dependable platform for everyday tasks and professional applications.
Familiar InterfaceWhile offering customization options, Xfce retains a familiar and user-friendly interface, making it approachable for users accustomed to traditional desktop environments.

The Xfce edition of Linux Mint caters to users seeking an efficient and customizable desktop experience. 

Its lightweight design makes it suitable for older hardware, while its mature codebase and extensive customization options empower users to adjust the environment according to their specific needs and preferences. 

A deep dive into specific use cases of Linux Mint

Linux Mint for beginners: While other beginner-friendly Linux distributions exist, Linux Mint’s combination of an intuitive interface, pre-installed applications, user-friendly installation, and extensive community support solidify its position as a highly suitable choice for users venturing into the world of Linux for the first time.

Linux Mint for developers: Linux Mint offers a comprehensive development environment, a robust and stable platform, and access to a wealth of open-source resources. These factors combine to make Linux Mint a compelling option for developers seeking a versatile and efficient development platform.

By leveraging the vast software repositories of Ubuntu, Linux Mint allows access to a wide range of additional development tools, libraries, and frameworks. 

Linux Mint for power users: While Linux Mint is renowned for its beginner-friendliness, it also offers valuable advantages for power users seeking a customizable and powerful operating system.

Users can customise themes, icons, layouts, keyboard shortcuts, and even system behavior through configuration files and tools. This level of control allows power users to tailor the system to their specific workflows and preferences.

Comparing Linux Mint to other distributions

FeatureFedoraUbuntuLinux Mint
Release ModelRolling ReleaseLong Term Support (LTS) with interim releasesBased on Ubuntu LTS, with additional updates
Package ManagementDNF (dnf)APT (apt)APT (apt)
Software AvailabilityAccess to latest software versionsFocus on stable releases, with older versions availableAccess to Ubuntu repositories, with additional curated packages
Desktop EnvironmentsGNOME, KDE Plasma, Xfce, and othersGNOME, KDE Plasma, Xfce, and othersCinnamon, MATE, Xfce
Target UsersDevelopers, early adopters, users seeking cutting-edge technologiesIndividuals, students, organizations seeking a stable and user-friendly experienceBeginners, individuals seeking a user-friendly experience with some flexibility
Community SupportStrong and active open-source communityLarge and active communityLarge and active community
FocusInnovation, bleeding-edge technologiesStability, ease of use, long-term supportUser-friendliness, stability, pre-installed applications

  • Package Management: All three distributions utilise user-friendly package managers, with DNF offering access to the latest software in Fedora, while APT in Ubuntu and Linux Mint focuses on stability and compatibility with available repositories.
  • Software Availability: Fedora prioritizes access to the latest software, while Ubuntu prioritizes stability and compatibility with readily available versions. Linux Mint provides access to Ubuntu’s repositories with additional curated packages, offering a broader selection while maintaining stability.
  • Desktop Environments: All three offer a variety of desktop environments, catering to user preferences for functionality and aesthetics.
  • Target Users: Fedora caters to users seeking cutting-edge technologies and may require more technical expertise. Ubuntu targets a broader audience, balancing user-friendliness with stability. Linux Mint prioritizes ease of use and a familiar experience for beginners and individuals seeking a user-friendly alternative to other operating systems.

Getting started with Linux Mint


  1. Download the ISO Image: Visit the official Linux Mint website ( and download the desired edition’s ISO image. Choose an edition that aligns with your hardware specifications and preferences (e.g., Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce).
  2. Verify the Download: Ensure the downloaded ISO image integrity using a checksum tool like sha256sum and the checksum provided on the Linux Mint website. This verifies the file hasn’t been corrupted during download.
  3. Prepare Installation Media: Create bootable installation media using a program such as Etcher ( This tool allows you to write the downloaded ISO image onto a USB flash drive or DVD.


  1. Boot from Installation Media: Restart your computer and access the boot menu (typically by pressing F12, F2, or DEL during startup). Select the option to boot from your installation media (e.g., USB flash drive).
  2. Live Environment: The system will boot into a live environment, allowing you to try Linux Mint without affecting your existing operating system. This provides an opportunity to test compatibility and familiarise yourself with the desktop environment.
  3. Start Installation: Locate the installation icon on the desktop and launch the installation process.
  4. Installation Options: Follow the on-screen instructions, selecting your preferred language, keyboard layout, and partitioning scheme. It is recommended to choose the “Erase disk and install Linux Mint” option if installing on a new disk or wiping an existing installation. Advanced users may opt for manual partitioning.
  5. User Creation: Create a new user account, specifying a username, password, and choosing whether to make the user an administrator.
  6. Installation Completion: The installation process will begin, copying files and configuring the system. This may take some time depending on your hardware specifications.
  7. Reboot: Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer. Remove the installation media and press Enter to reboot.

Initial Configuration:

  1. Login: Upon reboot, login to your newly created user account using the credentials set during installation.
  2. Software Updates: Open the Software Updater application and install any available updates to ensure the system is running on the latest version. This improves security and stability.
  3. Explore the Desktop: Familiarize yourself with the desktop environment, including the application menu, taskbar, and available applications. Linux Mint comes pre-installed with essential software for everyday tasks, including web browsing, office productivity, and multimedia playback.


 Is Windows 7 or Linux Mint better for an old PC?

In most cases, Linux Mint is a better choice for an old PC compared to Windows 7.

Advantages of Linux Mint:

  • Lightweight: Linux Mint is generally much lighter and resource-consuming than Windows 7. This translates to smoother performance and improved responsiveness on older hardware with limited RAM and processing power.
  • Security: Windows 7 is no longer officially supported by Microsoft, meaning it doesn’t receive security updates. This leaves your system vulnerable to security threats. In contrast, Linux Mint actively receives updates and security patches, offering improved protection.
  • Compatibility: Linux Mint works well with older hardware drivers, even if they are not actively supported anymore. This is because the Linux community often maintains drivers for older hardware.
  • Free and Open Source: Linux Mint is free to use and modify, eliminating the need for licensing costs, which can be a significant advantage, especially for older PCs that might not be used for business purposes.
How do you upgrade from Linux Mint Cinnamon to Ubuntu?

While it’s technically possible to upgrade from Linux Mint Cinnamon to Ubuntu, it is not recommended. Upgrading between different distributions with different package bases can lead to various challenges and potential system instability. 

Is switching to Linux Mint worth it?

Whether or not switching to Linux Mint is “worth it” depends heavily on your specific needs, preferences, and technical expertise. However, even if Linux Mint is not fulfilling your needs to the max, it is a free and open source OS, user-friendly, stable and secure platform, and is backed by a large and active community which makes it a valuable OS for beginners, professionals, as well as organizations. 

Linux Mint: User-friendly Open Source Operating System Read More »

Open Source Operating System

What Is Open Source Operating System? Why You Should Consider It

An open source operating system is a software that has an open and easily accessible source code. This transparency allows its users to view, use, modify, or even share the source code with others.

The cherry on the top is that the number, type, and design of the modifications is not restricted. 

OSS can be used for commercial as well as individual purposes. It is licensed in such a manner that it can be reproduced and reshared innumerable times, and can be used whenever and for whatever you like. 

Open source operating system is based on the following 3 principles:

  1. Transparency
  2. Freedom
  3. Collaboration

OSS’s source code is easily accessible, viewable, and editable. Anyone who wishes to view, use, edit, modify, or share the source code can do so without paying any hefty charges. 

Furthermore, open source fosters collaboration amongst knowledgeable developers. It also helps in coming up with innovative solutions for any big or small software related problems. 

Open source technology is rapidly climbing the charts because it is like a one-size-fits-all piece of clothing. No matter if you are a beginner, an intermediate, or an expert developer, OSS will have something for you in it. 

Lastly, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that open source has been the flag bearer of the technological advancement and transformation that has taken place over the last few years. 

Is proprietary software safer than an open source operating system?

The simple answer is no. This is due to the fact that an enormous number of software is being produced which is also resulting in the detection of more and more security vulnerabilities and flaws. 

One of the biggest advantages of an open source operating system is that independent third party coding specialists and developers can look into any potential problems with the software. Unlike proprietary software they can also confirm and corroborate a company’s claim of cent percent privacy. 

Benefits of Open Source Operating System

OSS’s popularity amongst its users is proof of its multiple benefits. Let’s take a look at some of them. 

  • Cost-effective: Majority of the open source projects are free to use and download. Apart from this, many artists, musicians, and writers seek help from applications that use an open source software, thereby decreasing their own production costs. 
  • Security: An open source operating system is under constant scrutiny owing to the large and talented open source community of developers. This leads to faster detection and correction of security vulnerabilities. 
  • Customization: In my opinion, this is the biggest advantage of OSS. Users can not only access the software and its source code for free, but they can also customize it according to their own needs and preferences. 
  • Innovation: The synergistic approach of open source operating systems gives rise to an innovative ecosystem, resulting in the creation of many new applications and features. 
  • Start as you like: OSS is the best option for companies that wish to start on a small scale. The community version of the software is best suited for this purpose. 
  • Attraction of talented developers: Because open source is the future of technology, many up and coming skilled developers choose to work with OSS. These developers seem to enjoy the flexibility to create their own projects. 

Popular Open Source Operating Systems

  • Linux Kernel

There are many open source operating systems but the most popular amongst them all is the ‘Linux Kernel.’ It was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. 

Majority of the operating systems are Linux based. It is this very kernel that interacts with a computer’s hardware. 

The Linux kernel offers the essential features required by every operating system, managing file handling, data processing and allocation into memory, device interaction, and other basic operations. 

Moreover, this open source operating system ensures that you don’t have to deal with any kind of virus, malware, or ransomware. 

One of the main reasons for Linux’s rising popularity is its zero entry cost and reliability. This open source project can be downloaded on any computer innumerable times without any charges. 

The development of the Linux kernel continues under the stewardship of Torvalds, with version 5.0 of the Linux kernel recently released.

In today’s world, Linux powers Ubuntu, the most user friendly OS, Android, the leading operating system for smartphones, and desktops. 

  • Linux Mint

With its straightforward interface, Linux Mint OS provides the ideal balance of modernity and power. It is highly well-liked by both novices and experts due to its multimedia features, dependability, and eye-catching visual appeal. You can use this open source operating system (OS) for free.

  • FreeBSD

Another noteworthy operating system is ‘FreeBSD.’ It is a free and Unix-like OS which is mainly used for intranet and internet server compatibility and networking. Before the creation of Linux and Windows, the computer world was dominated by Unix. 

FreeBSD is designed to focus on the speed and stability of the internet and it can also efficiently handle large loads of memory.

  • Android

The Android open source project is mainly designed for consumer goods. The production quality of this operating system meets all the requirements of the ever evolving smartphones. 

  • ChromeOS
Chrome OS

It belongs to the Linux and Chromium families and has features including enhanced security, support for compatible Chrome and Android apps, Aura window manager, Google cloud print, integrated media player, virtual desktop access, and cloud-based management. 

ChromeOS is a partly open source operating system because it only supports Nexus devices or its hardware. 

  • Ubuntu Desktop
Ubuntu Desktop

Ubuntu for desktops is all you need to run your home, school, organisation, or business. It is a complete package consisting of pre-installed applications, browsers, media apps, email, and games etc. 

Because Ubuntu has an open source, it is free to use, download, and share. Moreover, Ubuntu is one of the most secure open source operating systems owing to its built-in firewall and virus protection software.

  • Ubuntu Server
Ubuntu Server

Ubuntu server is a product of the Ubuntu operating system which plays a vital role in the world of browsing and the internet. Unlike Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu server is designed for server use and does not include graphical user interface (GUI) and only a few pre-installed applications. 

  • Fedora Linux

Fedora Workstation is a user-friendly open source operating system for laptop and desktop users. It is the ideal operating system for developers because it includes the best and latest datacenter technologies. 

  • Kali Linux
Kali Linux

A Linux distribution which is specially designed for Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking, Computer Forensics, Reverse Engineering, and network security assessments. 

It does this by providing common tools, configurations, and automations which allows the user to focus on the task that needs to be completed, not the surrounding activity.

Challenges & Considerations

An open source operating system has multitude benefits but there are some aspects of this system that make it less favourable in comparison to proprietary software. Let’s take a look at all the challenges a user might face while using OSS. 

  1. User-friendliness: The level of user-compatibility of an open source operating system is quite less than proprietary software. This steep learning curve makes OSS less likeable for people who are not tech savvy. Apart from this, developers who are not very fond of changes and new technology may have a hard time adapting to this operating system. 
  2. Hardware compatibility: Not all open source operating systems are compatible with all types of hardware. Special consideration needs to be given to hardware compatibility when you are beginning to work on an open source project. Although it’s a hurdle, it’s still not big enough to not use open source operating systems. 
  3. Support: Even though the open source community is so large and always lending a hand to those in need, it still can’t match the level of support available within a proprietary operating system. 

The future of Open Source Operating System

At this point, the future of open source operating systems is shining bright like a diamond. More and more people are becoming fond of this technological advancement, and the biggest proof of this is IBM purchasing Red Hat for a whopping 34 billion dollars. 

Red Hat’s support for open source projects earned it a business of multi-million dollars, and now it owns organisations responsible for everything from integration services for the open-source cloud platform OpenStack through to creating the KVM hypervisor.

In many ways, the open source community is just like the educational community. In both cases, the masters share their knowledge and work with their students and colleagues which leads to the growth of the subject positively. 

The open source world heavily relies on its community and promotes the principle of giving back to the community. 

Another way of supporting the community is by giving back to it. Once a learner has excelled in learning a specific skill, he/she should be encouraged to help the community either by using that skill practically or by teaching that skill to someone else in their community. 

Democracy is the best policy and the best democratic system is where the members are in complete control of choosing what they want.

So it wouldn’t be wrong to say that an open source operating system has the power to democratise the technological world. That’s because this OS gives its users the power to choose what they want, how they want, or what changes they want. 

Thus, the autonomy given to its users by open source empowers them in a way like never before. 

Why should you choose an open source operating system?

The Red Hat State of Enterprise Open Source report found that businesses typically choose open-source software because it’s cheaper. The report supports its stance by mentioning that 33% of software users cited the reduced cost as the main benefit of open source, whereas the other 29% stated access to latest upgrades as the main attraction of open source operating systems. 

Additionally, the report stated that only 1% of enterprises ignore the value of open source software. This report was based on the interviews of about 950 IT leaders across the world.

This combined package of cost effectiveness, stability, open source code, the freedom to modify or share the source code, and community level collaboration is something you should not miss out on. 

With recent revisions to rules of conduct aimed at making communities friendlier and less harsh, open-source communities are set for a rapid transformation that will see them become significantly more inclusive of gender, ethnic, and niche related diversity.

Which open source operating system is suitable for you?

An estimate of open source’s popularity could be made from the fact that the majority of popular operating systems and software have adopted the open source methodology. 

From browsers to social media applications, open source has cast a spell on everything. 

Before the creation of other distributions of Linux, CentOS was the preferred Linux distribution in the hosting industry for many years. It provided a free and open-source community supported computing platform. 

Only recently it was announced that CentOS Project will discontinue all updates of CentOS Linux 7 in June 2024. 

This announcement paved the way for Ubuntu Server to take over this distro and become the main operating system used for web hosting. 

Organisations that relied completely on CentOS are bound to make a difficult choice. 

While there are many Linux distributions available, those more closely related to CentOS Linux will provide an easier transition for your organisation’s desktops, servers, virtual machines, and more. Some examples of CentOS alternatives include Red Hat® Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux, and CloudLinux.

  • Rocky Linux:
Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux is a stable and enterprise-ready Linux distribution that comes with a 10-year support lifecycle at no cost at all. 

It is a popular choice for people looking to migrate from CentOS Linux because this distribution of Linux offers a user-friendly migration script without any charges. 

  • AlmaLinux:

AlmaLinux OS is an open-source, community-driven Linux operating system that fills the gap left by the discontinuation of the CentOS Linux stable release.

This enterprise pledges to be free for life and focuses on long term stability.

  • Oracle Linux:
Oracle Linux

Oracle Linux is not just another distribution of Linux. It uniquely delivers Linux with everything required to deploy, optimise, and manage applications on-premises, in the cloud, and at the edge. 

According to experts, it is more secure and easier to manage in comparison to other Linux distributions. 

You may also be interested to read: Critical Evaluation of Open Source Software Misconceptions

What Is Open Source Operating System? Why You Should Consider It Read More »

reboot linux

How To Reboot Linux Through Graphical User Interface & Command Line  

Rebooting refers to reloading the operating system of a computer. It is not a simple process and is crucial for routine maintenance of the OS, troubleshooting, and for downloading and applying updates. So, how do you reboot Linux?

Consistent reboots contribute to the overall health of the operating system by preventing the emergence of problems that arise from continuous uptime. 

Not only this, a reboot on Linux makes room for the implementation of configuration changes, frees up storage space occupied by unnecessary applications, and increases the overall speed of the operating system.

Moreover, rebooting is designed to be a friendly process. It gives users and the desktop the time to save files, exit programs, remove temporary files, and to update the filesystem journal. 

Just like all other operating systems, rebooting is a requisite for Linux, but it’s cardinal to know that Linux is fully capable of running without a reboot for years. 

This metric changes a bit when it comes to desktops and laptops as they need to be rebooted every few weeks. 

Linux reboot is usually required after a major update so that the server can pick up the changes made by the user. 

How to reboot Linux server

Although Linux doesn’t need to be rebooted that frequently, it still offers plenty of choices for when it’s time to start over. 

Let’s discuss the different ways to reboot Linux, starting with GUI. 

Rebooting via Graphical User Interface (GUI):

To reboot Linux via GUI is the easiest and the most beginner-friendly method. However, the only setback of this method is that it can only be used in desktop installations. 

Here, we have covered how you can reboot Linux systems running Gnome, Mate, and KDE-based distribution systems. 

  • Reboot Gnome-based Linux systems: The first step in this process is to restart the desktop. This can be done by clicking on the top right-hand corner of the desktop which will open up a drop-down menu. Select the power-off/logout option. 
Reboot Gnome-based Linux systems

Then, select the restart option from the sub-menu. 

You will now see a dialogue box on your screen that will be asking for your confirmation regarding whether to restart the desktop or not. 

Gnome-based Linux systems restart pop-up

To reboot you should click on the restart button. If you don’t click on any button for 60 seconds, your desktop will automatically get rebooted.

  • Reboot KDE-Based Linux systems: Rebooting these desktops is as easy as Gnome based desktops. Firstly, open the application tray from the lower-left corner of the screen or press the Super key on the keyboard. The Super key usually has a windows icon on top of it. 

Now select the ‘Quit’ button from the bottom of the application tray. 

kde reboot gui interface

You will now come across a new dialogue that will give you three options; Suspend, Restart, or Shutdown. Choose restart to reboot Linux. 

  • Reboot MATE-Based Linux systems: Click on the system button on the top-left corner of your desktop screen. Now select the ‘shutdown’ option from the drop-down menu. 
mate reboot gui interface

Another way of doing this is by clicking on the menu button on the bottom left corner of the screen. From there, click on the power icon ( ⏻ ) situated at the bottom of the application menu. 

Just like KDE-Based Linux systems, you will now see a dialogue box on your screen that will give you the options to either suspend, restart, or shutdown your desktop. Choose restart to initiate reboot on the Linux system. 

Rebooting from the Command line

Following are four basic prerequisites of rebooting Linux via Command line. 

  1. A Linux operating system 
  2. Access to the Terminal 
  3. Root or sudo privileges 
  4. SSH software package (in some cases).

First step in this process is to open the terminal. It is also the most popular way of managing your Linux operating system. 

The two most easiest ways of doing this are:

  • The keyboard shortcut – Press Ctrl + Alt + T simultaneously on your keyboard to open the Terminal application.
  • Applications menu – Open the applications menu from the bottom left corner of your screen. Search for “Terminal” in the search bar and then click on >_ icon to open Terminal. 

To open the terminal on a remote server, use the ssh command to connect to it. 

The syntax is: ssh [username]@[your_server_ip] 

Replace username with your desktop username and your server ip with your server’s IP address.

Now it’s time to move on to the second step which is using the Linux reboot command. Once you successfully access the terminal, choose the restart option to reboot Linux. 

A majority will need sudo privileges to restart a Linux server by using this command. 

The command will ask for user password to enable the administrative privileges before beginning the system restart. 

Last but not least, wait for the reboot to complete. 

As soon as you issue the command, the system starts rebooting. Your desktop screen will get blank and you will see different messages on screen. Soon after it the operating system logo appears on the screen and the desktop boots back up. 

The time taken by a Linux server to reboot depends on multiple factors including the hardware and assigned resources. 

  • Reboot Linux via Shutdown Command: The shutdown command is another routine method for rebooting Linux. It instructs the system to restart by specifying the -r option. 

Run the shutdown command with the argument -r now to restart the server. 

[ sudo shutdown -r now ] 

If you want to schedule the reboot for later then replace ‘now’ with a specific time in the manner ‘hh:mm’ or use the following command: 

[ sudo shutdown -r +5 ] 

In this case shutdown is the name of the reboot Linux command, -r is the option that tells the system to restart your desktop, and +5 denotes the time for which the system will wait before restarting. 

To broadcast a custom message with your standard shutdown command, type your message after the time argument. For example: [ sudo shutdown -r 

+15 “Hardware upgrade” ] will shutdown the system in 15 minutes and issue a notification that a hardware upgrade will be performed. 

Lastly, this command relies on sudo so you are supposed to type in your password when your PC asks for it. 

To force an immediate reboot in your Linux operating system, use command [ sudo reboot -f ]. In this command, -f stands for forceful & immediate rebooting of the system. 

If you want to power off your desktop immediately you should run the shutdown command with the argument -P now. 

[ sudo shutdown -P now ]

You can use the -c option to cancel a reboot or shutdown that is already in process when time is set. Use command [ shutdown -c ].

Undoubtedly, the shutdown command is a safe way to reboot your computer. It prevents new logins within the last five minutes of shutdown commencing, thus lowering the chances of losing any data. 

Advanced techniques to reboot Linux server

  • Using the init command

Compared to the other methods of rebooting Linux, this method is quite old and is mostly replaced by systemctl and reboot commands. 

However, SysVinit system users may still want to restart the server using the init command:

[ sudo init 6 ]

On Linux servers, there are upto 7 runlevels that your computer can understand. 0 indicates a halt state and 6 is for reboot. 

Provide your password when prompted and let the server complete the restart process. This command leaves no output, but it does restart the system. 

  • Using systemctl command

Unlike the init command, the systemctl command is more of a recent innovation. Systemd, system, and service manager in many modern Linux distributions is designed to provide much more control and flexibility. 

This command allows administrators to manage services, view their status, start or stop them, and restart them individually. 

However, it is crucial to know that to restart a Linux server using the systemctl command, you need sudo or root privileges. 

To reboot Linux, use the following command:

[ sudo systemctl reboot ]

Moreover, this command asks for your password before restarting so provide the password when prompted and then hit ‘enter.’

Like the init command, the systemctl command also does not have an output, but it does begin the restart process for the entire system. 

The whole reboot process may take up to a few minutes. 

Reboot Linux responsibly

It is good to have ample knowledge about different ways of rebooting your Linux operating system, but this does not mean that you should use all the options. 

Before initiating a reboot, it’s important to think it through in terms of what you are trying to accomplish and what the method you have chosen will end up doing. 

Reckless rebooting has the power to do irreparable damage to your desktop so please be careful before selecting and initiating the rebooting process. 

Thinking so much doesn’t mean that you lose trust in the power and importance of rebooting because no matter what, it plays a significant role in maintaining the overall health of the operating system. 

How To Reboot Linux Through Graphical User Interface & Command Line   Read More »

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